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Month Ahead Wisdom - February 2025

Have a wonderful month! 

DISCLAIMER: These are collective messages. If you want and personal reading especially for you, my books are open. Booking is available through thegoldenvenusian.com 


You may be in the process of moving away from someone or something. A new beginning is on the horizon, so be patient for just a little longer. Your life will be more peaceful once you're away from this situation but this peace may feel unfamiliar or uncomfortable. Give yourself time to adjust rather than attempting to running back to what you're used to because it's familiar. Don't go digging for answers to questions that aren't meant to be answered. Focus on your peace. 


Clarity is coming for you, Taurus. Expect positive resolution, although resolution may look different from how you imagined. This may mean walking away from someone or something and realizing that there's no need for hard feelings or animosity. You've grown and your actions reflect that. Your younger self is so proud of the adult that you've grown into. You should be so proud of yourself. I'm hearing "Make this month count." This is a time of stepping out of your comfort zone and making yourself known. This isn't the month to stand on the sidelines. 


If you want it, then you have to go get it. This month is about you getting out of your head and getting out of your own way. Nothing will get done until you take action and standing around worrying honestly isn't going to help. Turn your fears into fuel. Do it while scared because at the end of the day, you'll still be achieving your goals even if it feels scary. Remind yourself that you CAN do it and you WILL do it. Nothing can stop you but you. For someone specific: stop booking so many readings. A reader cannot do the work for you, babe. 


If you can't figure it out on your own, then call in the troops and ask for assistance. You don't have to do everything yourself. You're so nurturing but you rarely allow yourself to be nurtured in return. Babe, that has got to change. That is something that you can begin to work on if you choose to. The decision is yours. It may feel uncomfortable at first but it's something that you can grow into and become comfortable with. Give it a chance before you throw in the towel. 


Be bold and direct this month. You know what you want and you understand the work that it will take to achieve it. Use your natural charm and creativity to help you get by, especially during times of stress. Use discernment as you navigate this new playing field as a few curveballs may be thrown your way, but remember that it's nothing that you can't handle. Be patient with yourself because this will be a busy month for you. 


You have worked so hard and now it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Go on that trip that you've been dreaming of. Spend time with your loved ones. Do more of what fills your cup this entire year, not just during this month. You have so much to celebrate. You've truly built your life up brick by brick and it was no easy task. You literally built your castle and now it's to enjoy what you've built rather than just admiring it from afar. 


Listen to what your intuition has been screaming at you. If you've been doing things that you have no business doing, then it is time to put this to a stop. Getting even isn't even worth it. You don't need to have the upper hand in this situation. You need to realize how important it is to maintain your inner peace. You may feel the need to retreat this month and be more private. If you feel called to go inward, do that and allow yourself to explore your inner world and little deeper.


You've finally made peace with walking away from someone or something. You did what you had to do for your mental and emotional health and that's what truly matters. Trying to please everyone is draining and it's amazing that you've been putting a stop to that. You should be so proud of yourself. You're heading towards calming waters that will be way more fulfilling. This month feels like it will be full of surprises and revelations. Be open to what you learn and experience.


This month is all about returning home to yourself and getting to know yourself all over again. For the last few years, you've had no choice but to focus on others. You might've been responsible for caring for a family member who was sick and now that they're better, you don't exactly know what to do with yourself or with your newfound freedom. You'll figure it out, just give yourself time. It feels like you have to look forward to it in the coming months. 


You're overanalyzing the situation at hand. You can't control the actions of others but you can control how you respond. Someone is trying their hardest to get under your skin but these are petty efforts that can be flicked away like you're flicking away a fly. Try not to let this person get to you to the point where it's all you're thinking about. You have better things to focus on, like caring for your mental health and pursuing your happiness at full force. 


Shift your perspective willingly or be forced to do so through discomfort. It's easier for you to take the reigns in your hands and take control of the situation vs. you being forced into it. Right now, you're being hard-headed. You don't want to listen to anything that you're being told and that's an issue. You're not even fully listening to your better judgement because you have a picture perfect vision of how you want things to go but sometimes what we want isn't what we need. Think about it. 


You did the work and you deserve to enjoy your achievements. Your theme for this month is wish fulfillment. If you want it, then you can have it but be aware that wanting something doesn't always mean that you actually need it, so think before you act. This overall feels like a pleasant and love-filled month for you. Spend time with your loved ones, make time for relaxation, and try not to overwork yourself.