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Why I Rebranded My Business

Rebranding was the easiest decision I've made in a long while. One day, I woke up and I realized that I was no longer resonating with my business, my business name, or the inner workings of things. From the outside looking in, things probably look the same aside from the name change, but there's so much internal work that is being done. My dream is to run an even more successful business while building a strong community of like-minded individuals, but what has been holding me back are my insecurities and fear of failure. In a lot of ways, that's what My Venus Soul began to represent: fear. Everything began to feel isolating and pointless and it wasn't something that I could shake. I went from enjoying my business to feeling so unmotivated that I kind of just stopped what I was doing. I was at a crossroads. Quit or continue forward were my two options to choose from. I was honestly leaning more towards quitting until I saw a collective reading that I posted on Instagram a year ago. The collective message told me not to quit and to instead take a break. A much needed break. I had been running My Venus Soul since early 2020 and I can't think of a time when I really took an actual break. I was feeling the way that I was feeling because I was beyond burnt out but once I realized this, everything began to change. Through rest, I was able to reignite my passion and drive for what I do. I was also able to identify what insecurities were holding me back and where they were stemming from. It's been a beautiful yet challenging experience but hey, that's growth. Now, onto why the name change, I honestly don't have some deep reason for it. My Venus Soul no longer resonated with me or my business model, so I put her to rest for good. When coming up with The Golden Venusian, I just went with what felt right. I'm a Taurus rising, so I'm ruled by Venus, so I have to keep the Venusian theme going at all steps of the way haha. Everything else just kind of fell perfectly into place. I'm in alignment again and that makes me so happy. I am fulfilled and my cup is overflowing.Â