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March Month Ahead Reading

Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces

The help that you need is all around you but you have to speak up about your needs and worries first. Handling every single thing alone is exhausting, so I know that you have to be tired. Rest is being highlighted for you this month. Get lot's of rest, remember to stay hydrated, and do your best to take care of your body in all the ways that it requires right now. It's time to end a friendship or connection with someone for good. The person who you always feel nauseated around because they give you a weird vibe. Trust your intuition because it's right.

Taurus Leo Scorpio Aqaurius

You may find yourself wanting to indulge in more of life's pleasures. This is a good thing but try not to go overboard. Overspending is being highlighted. Protect your resources and be responsible with your money. You don't need it all and somethings can wait. Someone around you may be using you for what you can do for them financially. They like the gifts and the perks of being linked to you but they don't like you as a person. Proceed with caution and remember to go where you are wanted, not where you're tolerated. You're worth more than that.

Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn

Separation can be a good thing and it's something that is needed in your life. It's time to take a step back from a person, place, or thing. You probably already know what or who this is about. This may even be about quitting a longterm job due to mistreatment and lack of opportunities for growth. No job is worth your sanity. You may get a call from a place of employment that you applied for last year and forgot about. This call will come with an offer but it's up to you to decide whether you want to accept it or not. Remember that when one door closes another one opens.